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HomeBixexWhy Everyone Should Know How To Sell.

Why Everyone Should Know How To Sell.

Can you sell? 

Do you know how to sell? 

Did you know sales skills are one of the most important skills entrepreneurs must possess? 

Are you aware that selling is the first job of an entrepreneur?

Selling is an area many people don’t want to be associated with. For some, once you mention “selling” they imagine a salesperson who goes to people’s homes or offices to sell a product. Many people are not willing to start a career in sales. They always shy away from it. 

The truth of the matter is that if you are an entrepreneur, you cannot run away from sales. It is a must-do for you. Some founders and entrepreneurs make statements like:

  • I dislike making cold calls
  • I hate selling
  • I don’t like being rejected
  • How can I sell when I have a degree?

In life, selling is one of the most important subjects. We all are born salespeople. Selling is part of life and we do it every day, either consciously or unconsciously. 

We often find ourselves telling friends to try a product that we have benefited from even without getting paid by the company for it. We may refer our family, friends, or acquaintances to a hospital, school, restaurant, or business. By doing this, we are selling the brand, product, or services to the person.

So if we can unconsciously engage in sales without being paid for it then why can’t we also do the same and get paid for it.

Let’s look at a few reasons why you must develop your sales skills and learn how to sell.

  1. Selling is life

Selling is what we do every day. Selling involves facing and overcoming your worst fear. To succeed in selling a product or service, you must be willing to go beyond your comfort zone. Selling is about not being afraid of rejection. Selling involves a change or core value.

2. Profits and business growth are all dependent on Sales

The fastest way to grow a business is to keep making sales. When you do not sell your products and services, the business would die over time. If you cannot sell, you would struggle to grow in the business and even survive.

3. To increase profits 

Entrepreneurs sell to customers to increase sales and profits. To increase customer loyalty and patronage we have to make repeated sales to customers. When you can’t sell, you only get one-time sales. Branding is about emotional selling where strategic words, images, and actions are used.

4. To raise Capital

Business owners and entrepreneurs sell their competence, business ideas, and plans to investors in a bid to raise capital to scale their businesses. If you cannot sell yourself, your brilliant idea cannot be funded.

5. To motivate employee and team

As a business leader or founder, you must know how to sell your business goals, objectives, and long-term service benefits to your employees so that you can motivate them. This in turn increases their productivity.

6. To acquire talents and professionals 

To attract the best talents, we sell our business mission, vision, and long-term goals to highly skilled professionals all in a bid to lure them into joining our business team.  Many leaders face challenges when it comes to transferring their passion to their business team. Once this is done successfully, the team is poised to achieve a lot. 

We are confident that after reading this, you must have been convinced that sales are an important skill everyone should know. And unlike popular opinion, a career in sales is an exciting one. 

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